Dear Students & Parents,
We hope you are all enjoying the Easter break and feel ready for the easing of some restrictions now that we have reached the next step of the plan set out by the Government.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming all students back to face to face lessons when we reopen the Music School from Friday 16th April.
Any students who ceased or suspended lessons whilst we have been teaching online will need to contact us as soon as possible if they would like to return, so that we can ensure we have all the required measures in place to accommodate them.
Please read the information below which explains some of the measures we have in place to keep staff and students safe.
Students are asked to sanitise their hands as they enter and leave the Music School.
Instruments and surfaces are cleaned before each lesson and at the start and end of each day.
The reception area is for students ONLY. Parents and siblings cannot wait in reception.
For one to one lessons with younger students, parents can if they wish, accompany their child into the teaching room. Please speak to your child's teacher.
Instruments are set up so that students and teachers are socially distanced.
Windows will be open to ensure rooms are well ventilated. Please wrap up if the weather is cool.
Lessons have been staggered where possible to reduce the number of students arriving at the same time.
Please note :
We ask that each student brings their course book, practice diary and pen or pencil to each lesson.
Face masks can be used if students feel more comfortable.
Teachers may use face masks or visors and will maintain the required distancing as much as possible.
All singers will need a visor during Group Vocal lessons. If you do not have one, we can provide one at a small cost.
If you or any member of your household is showing symptoms of COVID-19, please do not attend the Music School.
If your child has been asked to self-isolate and cannot currently attend school, due to a child in their bubble having Coronavirus, please do not bring them to the Music School.
We will continue to review and update the systems we have in place where necessary so please keep checking our website and social media accounts for any changes.
We can't wait to welcome you all back through the Music School doors, but we also understand that you may feel anxious or concerned about the return to face to face teaching. If you have any questions at all, please get in touch.
Many Thanks
Laura Thatcher
Stafford Music School