UK Yamaha Music Schools Lyric Writing Competition


This competition is open to all current students studying at Yamaha Schools in the UK – this means YMS, YMP and YKLC locations are all eligible to join in the fun!

Anyone from 6 years upward can enter.

This is for everyone, young students in the JMC family, Vocalists, Drummers, Keyboard players and Guitarists.

The Competition

Write the lyrics to an original backing track and melody score prepared by the Yamaha Team.

Closing date July 3rd 2020

Yamaha believes that everyone has the potential to make waves in the world. Now, more than ever, the world needs the positive power of music, with its unique ability to bring communities together, even when they’re required to remain apart.

Realise your creative talents as a Yamaha student and take this opportunity to write an inspiring music school song/anthem that can be shared with all your fellow students throughout the UK. Aim to produce a positive and inspiring song lyric which can be shared with all ages and levels of ability and tell a personal story that connects with others.

This song will have a lasting and uplifting impression on everyone who hears it.

Go ahead and make an impact. Make a difference. Make rainbows. Make waves.

Good luck to everyone who enters this competition!

How to Enter

Follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Download the Backing Track and Melody Score by clicking on the links. If you have any problems your local music school operator will help

2. Read the terms and conditions

3. Write your song lyrics and give the song a title

4.Complete the Application Form and send your completed song lyric and title to your local Yamaha school operator, who will forward this to Yamaha .

The competition opens on Monday 1st June and closes on Friday 3rd July.

Terms and Conditions

Conditions of participation for the lyric writing text competition. These terms and conditions regulate the participation in the “lyric writing“ competition.

a) This competition is organized by Yamaha Music Europe GmbH (UK) whose registered office is at Sherbourne Drive, Tilbrook, Milton Keynes MK7 8BL, United Kingdom (“Yamaha”).  
b) To participate in the competition, all participants must accept these terms and conditions. The competition will take place in accordance with these terms and conditions.
c) The competition will take place from 00:00 hours on Monday 1st June until 23.59 hours on Friday 3rd July. (CET). Subsequent answers will not be considered.
d) Students of the following Yamaha Music Schools (YMS; YMP; State School Partners; YKLC and Partner Music Services which are based in UK are eligible to participate.
e) Underaged participants need to be represented by their parents.
f) Employees of Yamaha or their relatives and any other person who is in any way connected with or assisting in the operation of the Competition are not eligible to enter.
g) Entrants may win the following prize: A Yamaha PSR SX700 or a Yamaha Rydeen Drum Kit or a Yamaha Revstar Guitar package.
h) To enter the competition, participants must write their own lyrics and song title for the music given under (HOW TO ENTER (link 1), complete and sign the competition application form (HOW TO ENTER (link4) within the competition period (c) above) and send this to their local Yamaha Music School operator. This form should be signed by a parent if the student is under 18 years of age. The local operator will forward the entry to Yamaha.
i) Only one entry will be accepted per person. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received by Yamaha for whatever reason.
j) Among all competition entries received in due time, the prize will be awarded by a jury consisting of Yamaha Music School staff and instructors to the most creative participant.
k) Yamaha will notify the Winner via email on Tuesday 21st July. If the Winner cannot be contacted within 7 days, Yamaha reserves the right to withdraw the prize from the Winner and pick a replacement Winner using the same drawing mechanic.
l) The prize is as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The prize is not transferable. The prize is subject to availability and Yamaha reserves the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice.
m) Yamaha is not obligated to review competition entry provided by participants for potential violations of third party rights. Yamaha may, however, reject content if, in its reasonable judgment, it is illegal or immoral.
n) Yamaha reserves the right to exclude participants from participating in the competition. This applies in particular to violations of the Terms and Conditions of Participation or if participants use manipulation or other dishonest means. Yamaha may also subsequently disqualify a participant, revoke any prize and reclaim it if there are legitimate grounds for a violation of the Terms and Conditions.
o) Participants shall indemnify Yamaha against all claims by third parties that have arisen or may arise from the competition entry. They agree to assist Yamaha in any reasonable way in defending any claims.
p) The winner of competition is obligated to transfer the rights of use of the lyrics submitted as competition entry to Yamaha for advertising purposes, unlimited in time and space. To this end, the winner will sign a release declaration after she or he has been notified about the winning.
q) Participants agree that this Personal Information mentioned under h) may be used by Yamaha for the purpose of administering and conducting the Competition and that Yamaha may publish the name of the winner on the Yamaha website and/or Yamaha's social media channels.
r) The use of Personal Information collected by Yamaha in the course of the competition will be based on the Privacy Policy, which can be found on the following website Participants consent to this personal data being used by Yamaha for the purpose of administering and executing the Competition and, in respect of the Winner, announcing his/her name on the Yamaha website and/or any of its social media channels. Yamaha may also request that the Winner provides further personal data including their complete address and telephone number once the Winner has been selected.
s) Should individual parts of these conditions of participation be ineffective, all other provisions shall remain unaffected.
t) These conditions of participation and all disputes arising from this competition are subject to UK law.