Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information:

At Stafford Music School, we are trying our very best to take precautionary measures to ensure anyone that attends the school remains healthy during the virus pandemic.

With this in mind, may we please ask the following…

  • Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after each lesson.

  • If you have a high temperature or symptoms of a cold, please stay at home. If those symptoms persist after 7 days, contact the 111 coronavirus service online or via the phone.

  • If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth with your hands and then wash them immediately for the recommended 20 seconds.

  • If you use a tissue, please discard of it immediately and proceed to wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds.

We are taking the following measures…

  • Instruments and other surfaces are being sanitized in between each and every lesson.

  • All staff are washing their hands regularly during their shift.

  • We are providing anti-bacterial soap in the toilets and will be purchasing hand sanitizer when it becomes available.

Many Thanks

Stafford Music School