Exam Sessions
The next session of Rock School exams will take place on Sunday 24th & Monday 25th June at the Music School. There were such a large number of students wishing to take exams at this sitting that it is necessary for the exams to take place across two consecutive days. We are awaiting a timetable from Rock School and as soon as we have the schedule we can inform students of their exam time. For those students scheduled on the Monday, we can provide a letter for any school that may request evidence for the absence.
Concert DVD
After the success of our annual concerts on Sunday 4th March, we are pleased to inform you that DVD’s are now available and can be purchased from Reception for £15. We can only accept cash payments for DVD’s.
Photos from the concerts are now available to view and purchase at https://threefivethreephotography.smugmug.com/Music/Gigs. Thanks to Garry at 353 Photography for some fantastic images at some of the rehearsals and both shows.
Summer Concert at St Mary’s Church
We have once again arranged a summer concert at St Mary’s Church to take place on Sunday 1st July at 2pm. In contrast to our Gatehouse shows, where we invite all students to take part as a live band, the summer concert will be an opportunity for any guitar, keyboard and piano students to perform what they might currently be working on, in small groups with a few solo performances. There is very limited time available for students to perform but everyone is welcome to attend and tickets will be available from the beginning of June from the music school.
Vocal Performance
For our vocal students, we are looking into finding a venue where we can offer a regular opportunity to perform and we will update you as soon as we have more information on this.
Maternity News
We are pleased to inform you that our vocal teacher Jenii is expecting a baby in July. Jenii will continue to teach until the start of July and the remainder of the term will be covered by Jayne who also teaches on Tuesdays. Jenii and Jayne will work together closely to ensure a smooth transition until Jenii returns, hopefully in September.
Re Enrolment
As we near the end of this term, we will begin the process of re enrolment for all students. This is an opportunity to make changes to current lesson days and times, particularly with changes in schools etc for some of our students. As we are currently full on all courses, we would appreciate as much notice as possible if you require a change of day or time in September, or will not be continuing with lessons. This helps us to plan any merges in classes and establish where our spaces will be for both new classes and one to one students. In June we will send out a data collection sheet to each student containing the information we currently hold on our system. It is essential that all information is checked carefully and amended where necessary, before returning to us with or without changes.
Our website is regularly updated and you can find us on facebook (search for Stafford Music School) and Twitter (@musicstafford). We understand that letters sometimes struggle to find their way home and we will always post letters sent home on our website. Please like our facebook page or follow us on Twitter and keep up to date!
Reminders of all the important dates are included below. Please get in touch if you have any queries or questions.
Dates for your diaries
Sunday 24th & Monday 25th June: Rock School Exam session at Stafford Music School
Sunday 1st July: Summer Concert at St Mary’s Church
Friday 27th July: Last lesson of term